移动硬盘就是外置硬盘,不是接在电脑机箱内部的那种。请记住:移动硬盘 = 硬盘 + 硬盘盒,硬盘通过电源线和数据线连接在硬盘盒内,装有硬盘的硬盘盒再通过电源线和数据线连接在电脑上。所以,选购移动硬盘要考虑硬盘盒内有是否有对应硬盘接口的数据线,以及硬盘盒外和电脑上是否是否有相对应的接口。
IDE又叫做Parallel ATA,SATA则是Serial ATA的简写,中文翻译过来前者叫并行ATA,后者叫串行ATA,这和什么“串口”和“并口”完全是两码事!“串口”和“并口”英文翻译过来叫Serial Port和Parallel Port,他们的数据传输速度非常的低,是绝对不会用在硬盘上的!
如果选购Serial ATA硬盘,请注意它的价格要贵一点!如果选购IDE硬盘,记得区分下面几种规格。由上而下,它们代表了传输速率的增加!
Ultra ATA/33
Ultra ATA/66
Ultra ATA/100
Ultra ATA/133
5.25 inches
3.5 inches
2.5 inches
(2) 硬盘盒外的数据接口可以是USB、IEEE1394、eSATA,最常用的是USB 2.0,其他的应用都比较受限制。
我想买一个移动硬盘,要7200转的IDE Ultra ATA/133或者Serial ATA硬盘,外置盒是USB 2.0接口,3.5 inches大,散热好,噪音小,请问有什么选择没有?
The official external ENCLOSURE thread
The Break Up Song
Here you can see the wonderful Ukulele!
dont think about the times we have to try to make things last,
dont think about the times when we first kissed you say we wouldnt race to fast,
dont think about the times we have to try to make things right,
cause you and i both know we always get into little fights,
cause love is not the best thing for us now,
its not the best thing for us now,
so im a break it off with you somehow,
the stars would shine for you another day, another day,
so im a try nd love you some other day,
im know im not in need for love,
for love, for love, for love,
my heartache should have been enough for you,
just get on with your life, your life, she say,
wanna be my wife, i say,
gotta make you right before
i get back on my feet, my feet,
get back on my feet,
cause love is not the best thing for us now,
its not the best thing for us now,
so im a break it off with you some how,
the stars would shine for you another day, another day,
so im a try and love you some other way,
dont think about us breakin up
think about you and me makin love
n' think about the lord above
n' thank him for the gift of love
you and i we gotta split apart
n' take a wrong journey through the dark
n' nows the time you got to be strong
just make sure your love carries on
dont think about the times we have to try to make things last,
dont think about the times when we first kissed you say we wouldnt race to fast,
dont think about the times we have to try to make things right,
cause you and i both know we always get into little fights,
cause love is not the best thing for us now,
its not the best thing for us now,
so im a break it off with you somehow,
the stars would shine for you another day, another day,
so im a try nd love you some other day,
im know im not in need for love,
for love, for love, for love,
my heartache should have been enough for you,
just get on with your life, your life, she say,
wanna be my wife, i say,
gotta make you right before
i get back on my feet, my feet,
get back on my feet,
cause love is not the best thing for us now,
its not the best thing for us now,
so im a break it off with you some how,
the stars would shine for you another day, another day,
so im a try and love you some other way,
dont think about us breakin up
think about you and me makin love
n' think about the lord above
n' thank him for the gift of love
you and i we gotta split apart
n' take a wrong journey through the dark
n' nows the time you got to be strong
just make sure your love carries on
Kewei Tay
This is where I get to know the name of 方大同! I'd love to have this girl as my wedding singer! You can listen to some other songs of her at taykewei.blogspot.com.
学习 Screen (Day 1)
$ Screen -S mywork ## 创建Screen下以mywork为名的一个session和这个session下的第1个window。
Ctrl-a A ## 为当前window添加名字。
Ctrl-a c ## 在当前session下创建新的window。
Ctrl-a A ## 为当前window改变名字。
Ctrl-a “ ## 浏览当前session下的所有window并转换window。
Ctrl-a d ## 脱离当前window当前session,回到用户的bash下。
$ Screen -ls ## 浏览Screen下所有的session以及他们的状态。
$ Screen -r mywork ## 再次链接到Screen下以mywork为名字的那个session的上次脱离的window。
$ exit ## 退出当前window并转移到这个session下的上一个window(当退出这个session下最后一个window时,这个session也就自动退出)。
[how-to] GNU Screen
GNU Screen -- MITBBS Linux版镇版之宝
Complete Screen Manual
$ Screen -S mywork ## 创建Screen下以mywork为名的一个session和这个session下的第1个window。
Ctrl-a A ## 为当前window添加名字。
Ctrl-a c ## 在当前session下创建新的window。
Ctrl-a A ## 为当前window改变名字。
Ctrl-a “ ## 浏览当前session下的所有window并转换window。
Ctrl-a d ## 脱离当前window当前session,回到用户的bash下。
$ Screen -ls ## 浏览Screen下所有的session以及他们的状态。
$ Screen -r mywork ## 再次链接到Screen下以mywork为名字的那个session的上次脱离的window。
$ exit ## 退出当前window并转移到这个session下的上一个window(当退出这个session下最后一个window时,这个session也就自动退出)。
[how-to] GNU Screen
GNU Screen -- MITBBS Linux版镇版之宝
Complete Screen Manual
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