Create Repository with Subversion, Ankhsvn, and Visual Studio 2008

1. Install Subversion

I used the certified version from Collab.Net. I removed the Apache option during installation for I only want to share projects on local network. The repository directory required by installation is used as the parent folder for a number of project repositories.

Next, I created a temporary folder called "temp" under that parent repository directory and then sub-folders "branches", "tags", and "trunck" under "temp".

Next, in the DOD command windows, I CD into the parent repository folder and type "svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs myproject"to create a project repository called "myproject". I also modified "svnserve.conf" and "passwd" (find how to online) under "myproject" to accommodate authentication.

Further, I started subversion server using command "net start CSVNsvnserve" and imported the project directory layout from "temp" into "myproject" using "svn import -m "initial project layout" svn://localhost/myproject/". The import asks for the Windows User and Password and then the project repository User and Password for validation.

2. Install AnkhSvn

AnkhSvn is also from Collab.Net. Now, it's time to upload the project files to the myproject repository.

In Visual Studio, I right click "mysolution" and choose to "add solution to subversion" and supplied the svn url as "svn://localhost/myproject/trunk". This will create another folder called "mysolution" under "trunk" (all files get a blue plus icon).

Next, I right click "mysolution" again and choose to "subversion -> add" and put all the solution files to the queue adding to repository (all files get a green plus icon).

Further, I right click "mysolution" again and choose to "subversion -> commit" and then all the solution files will be actually uploaded to the "myproject" repository (all files get a blue tick icon).

3. References:

Ankhsvn Documentation