Windows XP Security Update KB951748

Be very aware that Windows XP Security Update KB951748 can freeze wireless connection on the laptop with ZoneAlarm. I had this problem for about half a month and was able to solve it only from removing all recent security updates including KB951748. I guess it is not that late to turn off the annoying windows automatic updates now.

Parallel computing with

Parallel computing of Monte Carlo simulation can easily achieve 40 to 160 speedup with and NVidia Tesla C1060 GPU card. Here is my setup:

1. Machine: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q9450 @ 2.66 GHz 2.66GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM

2. GPU card: NVIDIA® Tesla™ C1060

3. Compiler: Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008

4. GPU library: GASS

5. Program: Distribution of Correlated Random Variables